Calico Bass(White Crappie) Details

Calico Bass(White Crappie) Source: Raver, Duane. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
  • Water Type: freshwater
  • Latin Name: Pomoxis annularis
  • Common Names: Sac Au Lait, Papermouth, speckled perch
  • Water Temp: 68 - 75 degrees
  • World Record: 5lb-3oz Enid Dam, MS July 31, 1957 Fred L. Bright
  • Last Modified By: pramsey on 09/19/10 08:32 PM
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Baits and Tackle for Calico Bass(White Crappie)

Casting & Trolling Spoon;22 Check Prices

Wet Fly Check Prices

  • wollybugger,olive, conehead

Crankbait Check Prices

  • using hook and worm, minnows, and crankbaits all were working.
  • trolled crankbait
  • trolled

Spinnerbait / Buzzbait Check Prices

In-Line Spinner Check Prices

Jigging Spoon Check Prices

Worm Check Prices

  • Berkley Gulp Alive 4" natural color crawler Texas rigged on a Gamakatsu 2/0 G Lock hook.

Soft Swimbait Check Prices

  • Fake worms from bass pro shops

Roundhead Jig Check Prices

  • many different skirt color changes, everything seem to catch at least a fish. many too small to keep
  • I stuck to my favorite, blank and orange. One buddy used a yellow twirly tail, and pretty much any colors was working great.
  • Black,orange and chartruse was what i was doing good on. 16th oz jighead,

Bass Jig Check Prices

Calico Bass(White Crappie) Description

The white crappie, Pomoxis annularis Rafinesque, 1818, is native throughout the eastern half of Canada and the United States, and has been widely introduced in the west as well.

Similar to the Black Crappie except it is usually lighter in color and the markings are much more symmetrically arranged though if in doubt check the dorsal fins. The dorsal fin of the white crappie has six spines. The maximum recorded length for a white crappie is 53.0 cm (21 in), with a maximum weight of almost 2.35 kg (more than 5.18 lb); it can live as long as ten years.
These species prefers slower-moving water, often turbid, whether a backwater of a small creek or a large lake.

When spawning, the white crappie deposits its eggs on plant surfaces or in poorly-defined nests in shallow water.

This very prolific fish may overpopulate small bodies of water under 40 ha (100 acres) in area. Angling for Crappie is popular throughout much of North America. Methods vary, but among the most popular is called "Spider Rigging," a method characterized by a fisherman in a boat with many long fishing rods pointing away from the angler at various angles like spokes from a wheel. Anglers who employ the Spider Rigging method may choose from among many popular baits. Some of the most popular are plastic jigs with lead jig heads, crankbaits or live minnows. Many anglers also chum or dump live bait into the water to attract the fish hoping the fish will bite their bait. Crappie are also regularly targeted and caught during the spawning period by fly fishermen, and can be taken from frozen ponds and lakes in winter by ice fishing.

- Connecticut State Record 4 lbs 0 oz caught by James M. Boos in 1974 at Pataganset Lake, East Lyme

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